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Catherine Moloney

As Jane Austen puts it, “For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours and laugh at them in our turn?” 

Amen to that!

I was born in Ikom, Nigeria (where my parents were missionaries) and come from a Liverpool medical family, but am not a doctor of medicine.  My first degree was in Jurisprudence from Jesus College Oxford and I was called to the Bar at Gray’s Inn, however was always much more interested in English; this led to a PhD in English Literature at London’s Birkbeck College.  My doctoral thesis – Pulmonary Consumption: A Shadow on the Lung of the Victorian Psyche – explored the curse-and-cachet of tuberculosis in the nineteenth century (with particular reference to the works of George Eliot and Henry James).  Despite this unerring focus on the Victorian cult of the Bona Mors, I somehow managed to avoid contracting galloping hypochondria and went on to publish on a variety of subjects.  I was awarded the 2002 Oleg Zinam Award for Best Essay in the Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies for “advancing dialogue across geographical, disciplinary and denominational boundaries, successfully bridging facts and values, knowledge and faith, science and religion…affirming transcendental values and faith” (William and Henry James: Towards Literary Liberalisation of the Professions).  Lest this suggests that my output falls exclusively sub specie aeternitatis, I should point out that I equally enjoy the secular mode.


With such a wide-ranging career history, I have no doubt acquired an enormous breadth of ignorance! English was always my first love, however, and I feel that I have now found my niche. My crime fiction includes twenty-two titles in the Detective Markham series (published by Joffe Books), with Crime in the Tower my most recent instalment. Crime in the Park will follow in 2025. Crime in the Gym is in preparation.

Dr C T Moloney

BA (Hons) Jurisprudence, Jesus College, University of Oxford


Ph.D. English: A Shadow on the Lung of the Victorian Psyche: Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Nineteenth-Century Literature (George Eliot and Henry James)


Called to the Bar (Gray’s Inn), 2005



Publications include:“Infanticide and the Nation: The Case of Caroline Beale” (with Dr. Josephine McDonagh); New Formations 32, 1997, 11-21;“Inflaming Infirmity: some medico-literary interfaces of nineteenth-century tuberculosis”, Bulletin of the Liverpool Medical History Society No 12, 32-51 (2000);Editor, “Tales You Win,” Countyvise Press;“The English Teacher as Theologian”, The New Theologian, Vol. 12, Number 1, 31-35 (2001);“William and Henry James: towards literary liberalisation of the professions”, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. XIV, No 1/2, 25-46, Oleg Zinam Award, Best Essay 2002, The Institute for Interdisciplinary Research.


Public Lectures include:“The Woman Question,” Goldsmiths College, University of London (1996)

“Spes Phthisica: A Historical View of Pulmonary Tuberculosis,” Liverpool Medical Institution (8/11/01)


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